PT Dalzon Chemicals Indonesia

Alamat PT Dalzon Chemicals Indonesia

RUKO CEMPAKA MAS BLOK K NO.22 (lihat di peta)
Kabupaten Jakarta Pusat, Provinsi DKI Jakarta

Tahun pendirian


Tentang Perusahaan

Based in Indonesia, PT. Dalzon Chemicals Indonesia was established in 2003 as a leading agrochemical manufacturers for technical materials and formulations.
We have a professional workforce with a strong orientation to puts an emphasis on the production of high quality products that can be applied by farmers with the use of an efficient and cost effective prices.
We have a Research & Development Team to continue to explore strong material - the best active ingredients and formulations for use in today's modern farming community.
Our factory has advanced production equipment and modern laboratory in accordance with the system of production and quality inspection standards.
We have a network of strong sales and distribution throughout Indonesia with experts working in the field of Agronomy provide after-sales technical support required by our customers. Our customers in Indonesia consists of Multi National Companies, Government Sector and farming community.
In addition to the local market, we also export to Europe, America, Africa, India and Southeast Asia. We continue to expand our global reach by developing active ingredients and formulations are more innovative.
We also provide tolling and contract manufacturing services for local and international companies.
Our Vision & Mision
  • Providing products - quality agrochemical products and high form it according to international standards.
  • Serving the community estate (planters) with a product - a new generation of agrochemical products.
  • Selling products - agrochemical products are safe for the environment and agricultural livelihoods.
  • Ensuring the agribusiness community, specifically the plantation sector, benefit and benefits through the use of the product - agrochemical products which have competitive price and high form it.
  • Being a native Indonesian multinational company in the field of agrochemicals.
  • Help increase agricultural productivity in Indonesia.

Lowongan kerja di PT Dalzon Chemicals Indonesia

Nama Pekerjaan Kisaran Gaji Tgl Dibuka
Chemical Laboratory Supervisor Tidak disebutkan 23 Maret 2023 -
23 April 2023
DIGITAL MARKETING STAFF Tidak disebutkan 23 Maret 2023 -
23 April 2023
AGRONOMIST Tidak disebutkan 24 Maret 2023 -
24 April 2023

Ukuran Perusahaan

201 - 500 pekerja


Bahan Kimia/Pupuk/Pestisida

Lokasi PT Dalzon Chemicals Indonesia

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