PT Bintang Barisan Tujuh

Alamat PT Bintang Barisan Tujuh

Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Provinsi Jawa Timur

Tahun pendirian



  • Bintang Barisan Tujuh

Tentang Perusahaan

PT. BINTANG BARISAN TUJUH has imported technology from China and is now gaining more popularity as a brand. We source our material from authentic suppliers and then test it on various parameters before use. The entire production process is carried in our state of art production unit and each stage is managed continually by our team of quality control experts. If your business requires any of our product range, please feel free to contact for enquiries.

We have a 2.4m single beam PP spunbond line and all energies are concentrated towards producing Pollution free non woven fabrics to our customers' satisfaction.

Quality of Bintang Barisan Tujuh non woven Fabric is technology driven:
    Complete process controls with quality checks at each stage of Operation from unloading to raw material to delivery of goods.
    Scientific color matching.
    To cooperate with our customer and provide innovative solutions.
    To provide Quality products consistently and build up customer relations

Gaji PT Bintang Barisan Tujuh

Menjawab pertanyaan berapa gaji di PT Bintang Barisan Tujuh berdasarkan data lowongan pekerjaan dari beberapa bulan terakhir, kisaran gaji rata-rata PT Bintang Barisan Tujuh adalah sebesar Rp. 4.100.000

Lowongan kerja di PT Bintang Barisan Tujuh

Nama Pekerjaan Kisaran Gaji Tgl Dibuka
SALES Rp. 4.000.000 - Rp. 4.200.000 06 Februari 2023 -
09 Maret 2023
SALES Rp. 4.000.000 - Rp. 4.200.000 04 Mei 2023 -
04 Juni 2023

Ukuran Perusahaan

51 - 200 pekerja



Kategori Bidang Usaha

Lokasi PT Bintang Barisan Tujuh

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