PT Asrindo Citraseni Satria

Alamat PT Asrindo Citraseni Satria

Kota Pekanbaru, Provinsi Riau

Tahun pendirian


Tentang Perusahaan

PT. Asrindo Citraseni Satria or well known as ACS started the journey since we established in December 1990 with First project in Land Transportation Services by providing light vehicle and heavy equipment rental.
From there, step by step and with high determination for seeking opportunity and expand the company business unit we have involved and working in many projects for Oil & Gas Industry and Public Sector.
Year 1997, we provide various contract services for drilling and material transportation for all PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia area in Riau Province. Various models of transportation used for many purpose such as, rig moving, drilling material handling, waste handling, and employees transportation.
Since the transition management of the CPP Block, from PT. Caltex Pacic Indonesia to Joint Operation Body (JOB) PT. Bumi Siak Pusako – Pertamina Hulu in 2002, ACS has handled various projects supply and rental of heavy equipment, light vehicle transportation, material, well site construction and labor provisions.
For buildings construction and roads since 2003 ACS already execute many projects such as Hospital and Ofce Building, Stores, Residential and Highway.
Another chapter added in 2007, starting with operate two (2) workover rigs in PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia Duri Area, and currently ACS has (15) Fifteen units Rig complete for Drilling and Work over operations as per client requirement.
PT. Asrindo Citraseni Satria or well known as ACS started the journey since we established in December 1990 with First project in Land Transportation Services by providing light vehicle and heavy equipment rental.
From there, step by step and with high determination for seeking opportunity and expand the company business unit we have involved and working in many projects for Oil & Gas Industry and Public Sector.
Year 1997, we provide various contract services for drilling and material transportation for all PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia area in Riau Province. Various models of transportation used for many purpose such as, rig moving, drilling material handling, waste handling, and employees transportation.
Since the transition management of the CPP Block, from PT. Caltex Pacic Indonesia to Joint Operation Body (JOB) PT. Bumi Siak Pusako – Pertamina Hulu in 2002, ACS has handled various projects supply and rental of heavy equipment, light vehicle transportation, material, well site construction and labor provisions.
For buildings construction and roads since 2003 ACS already execute many projects such as Hospital and Ofce Building, Stores, Residential and Highway.
Another chapter added in 2007, starting with operate two (2) workover rigs in PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia Duri Area, and currently ACS has (15) Fifteen units Rig complete for Drilling and Work over operations as per client requirement.



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Lokasi PT Asrindo Citraseni Satria

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