PT Bina Nusantara Perkasa

Alamat PT Bina Nusantara Perkasa

Kelurahan Tebet Barat , Kecamatan Tebet , Kabupaten Jakarta Selatan, Provinsi DKI Jakarta

Tahun pendirian


Tentang Perusahaan

PT Bina Nusantara Perkasa (“BNP”), has been in business specializing in ship agency services before expanding into a niche, highly skilled, technical and high capex investment of submarine cable installation, repair and maintenance services since year 2000. We are also involved in Oil & Gas and Power Cable. BNP is also appointed agent for Tyco, Alcatel, NSW, NTT, Global Marine, TATA, Sacofa, Huawei and Matrix.
BNP has its origins going back to 1979 when, under a different name, the founders were operating the Company as an exclusive Shipping Agent for the Offshore Oilfield Sector.
The Company has been successful and over the years extended the services with a vision of being a “total solution provider” to meet all aspects of our Clients technical, logistics and husbandry needs. As of the year 2001, the Company provides following services: Shipping Agent Services, Vessel Supply, Oilfield Services, and Bunker and Ship Supplies.
BNP has invested in our own vessels, equipment and in‐house technical expertise since year 2003. BNP is the only local company in this business owning vessels, equipment and warehouse. 
On 2008 PT BINA NUSANTARA PERKASA start a new business on Submarine Cable Installation. With some Vessels completed with supporting equipment and experienced personnel PT BNP is willing to be a biggest National Company on Submarine Cable Installation.
  • CS. Nusantara Explorer – DP2 Cable Laying Ship as attached specification. C O M P A N Y P R O F I L E
  • CB. Nusantara 1 – A DP 1 Fully Equipped Barge with injector burial, sled , cable loading machine, crane, winch and work boat amongst its major equipment on board;
  • MV Explora Nusantara  â€ Tug Boat with 758 horse power (HP);
  • Warehouse located in East Jakarta with land (1,200 M2 ) and built up area (2,000 M2 )

Ukuran Perusahaan

51 - 200 pekerja


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