Lowongan Asst. Manager - Healthcare di PT Dch Auriga Indonesia

Nama Perusahaan

PT Dch Auriga Indonesia


Jakarta Raya

Kisaran Gaji

Tidak disebutkan

Tgl Dibuka

11 Mei 2023 - 11 Juni 2023

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Assistant Manager

Job Description

  • The assistant manager will be responsible for certain management aspects under the direction of the healthcare sales manager.
  • Provide effective supervision and leadership, you will have responsibilities to ensure the quality delivery of day-to-day work.
  • You will have key areas of work delegated to you, and will have the authority to devise and implement the sales plan and strategy.
  • You will manage and coordinate various aspects of commercial, motivating and managing staff,
  • You verify employee schedules and ensure new hires understand their roles and duties.
  • Key working relationships will include, marketing, supply chain and finance.

Assistant Manager Skills and Qualifications

• Previous experience in sales of the healthcare industry

• Good communication skills, oral and written in English

• Strong leadership and initiative

• Good interpersonal skills

• Decision-making and problem-solving abilities

• Ability to take direction and strong listening skills

• Responsible, goal oriented and organized

• Strong attention to detail and able to multitask

• Confident, proactive and willing to take on workplace challenges

• Likable by most and able to motivate others

Tingkat Pekerjaan

Manajer/Asisten Manajer

Pengalaman Kerja

2 tahun

Spesialisasi Pekerjaan

Layanan Kesehatan, Farmasi


Sarjana (S1)

Jenis Pekerjaan

Penuh Waktu

Ukuran Perusahaan

1- 50 pekerja


Umum & Grosir

Tunjangan dan Lain-lain

Waktu regular, Senin - Jumat

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