Lowongan Legal & Compliance Officer di PT Bbn Airlines Indonesia

Nama Perusahaan

PT Bbn Airlines Indonesia


Jakarta Selatan

Kisaran Gaji

Tidak disebutkan

Tgl Dibuka

09 November 2023 - 10 Desember 2023

Deskripsi Pekerjaan

Job Description:

  • Review, draft, and negotiate a variety of legal agreements, contracts, and other legal documents.
  • Research and monitor legal and regulatory developments that may impact the organization.
  • Develop, implement, and maintain compliance policies, procedures, and controls.
  • Prepare and submit regulatory filings and reports to relevant government agencies or industry authorities.
  • Ensure compliance with corporate and group governance requirements.

Job Requirements:

  • Bachelor Degree of Law from reputable university (Min. GPA 3.0).
  • Having 3-4 years working experience from a reputable law firm and aviation sectors are preferrable.
  • Having knowledge related general corporate, aircraft financing, and legal compliance.
  • Excellent proficiency in English.
  • Required skills: good analytical & research skills, well organized, detail oriented, and have a positive attitude.

Tingkat Pekerjaan

Pegawai (non-manajemen & non-supervisor)

Pengalaman Kerja

3 tahun

Spesialisasi Pekerjaan

Pelayanan, Pengacara / Asisten Legal


Sarjana (S1)

Jenis Pekerjaan

Penuh Waktu


Luar Angkasa/Aviasi/Pesawat Terbang

Tunjangan dan Lain-lain

Bisnis (contoh: Kemeja)

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