PT Arena Agro Andalan

Alamat PT Arena Agro Andalan

JL. RP SOEROSO NO.32 RT. 010/005, CIKINI (lihat di peta)
Kabupaten Jakarta Pusat, Provinsi DKI Jakarta

Tahun pendirian


Tentang Perusahaan

Arena Agro Andalan (AAA) is a food ingredients producer, which specializes in manufacturing high quality tapioca, sago and corn starch. We turn these basic foodstuffs into starch and other derivatives, that has various applications in the food processing and industrial uses.
Founded in 2010, AAA is currently operating a fully-automated starch factory in West Kalimantan. Our second and more advanced factory in Central Java has been commencing its production since 2013. In addition to producing starch, AAA also generating other derivative by-products that include germ meal, fibre feed, and gluten feed meal.

Lowongan kerja di PT Arena Agro Andalan

Nama Pekerjaan Kisaran Gaji Tgl Dibuka
Technical Service / Sales – Corn Mills Tidak disebutkan 14 Februari 2023 -
17 Maret 2023
SALES REPRESENTATIVE – FLOUR MILLS Tidak disebutkan 13 Maret 2023 -
13 April 2023

Ukuran Perusahaan

51 - 200 pekerja


Agrikultural/Perkebunan/Peternakan Unggas/Perikanan

Lokasi PT Arena Agro Andalan

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