PT Indonesia Putra Makmur

Alamat PT Indonesia Putra Makmur

Kabupaten Jakarta Selatan, Provinsi DKI Jakarta

Tahun pendirian


Tentang Perusahaan

PT Indonesia Putra Makmur is a leading capital equipment provider in Indonesia, with extensive expertise and experience in delivering the best solutions for our customers. We are the exclusive sole agnet for some of the world's most renowned brands, the best in their respective fields. We deliver state of the art technological equipment to our expansive customer base, by continuing to add value and to increase efficiency across the board. Out main business is categorized into 2 (two) divisions : INDUSTRY SOLUTIONS and CONSUMER PRODUCTS.
INDUSTRY SOLUTIONS offers customized and high technology automation systems to support Automotive, Motorcycle, Construction and Ship Building Industries. CONSUMER PRODUCTS provides small machineries through vast dealership network, which includes majority of Indonesia islands, first and second tier cities.
We are commited to deliver the best products and solutions for our customers, supported by responsive and excellent after sales service. We have successfully become the market leader in our tagret market and our products have proved to be the preferred brand of industries and end users.


Industri Berat/Mesin/Peralatan
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