PT Interpak Industries Batam
Alamat PT Interpak Industries Batam
(lihat di peta)
Kelurahan Baloi Permai, Kecamatan Batam Kota, Kota Batam, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau
Kode Pos
29431Tahun pendirian
2004Tentang Perusahaan
PT. INTERPAK INDUSTRIES BATAM was established legally on September 2001 and started its Operation Since October 2001 and currently occupies 9000 sq meters area for manufacturing, warehousing and office. We have more than 200 workforces and employees lead by Mr. Nurman Tan as an owner and director of the company.
To maintain our company services and quality assurance, IIB have obtained the Quality system through ISO 9001: 2000, and save the earth through Environmental program and establish the ISO 14001:2004 as guidance and Manual. In the other side to support IIB customer needs, IIB also strive to comply Rohs as well as obtained other customer requirement like Sony Green Partner, Panasonic Green Procurement and Epson Green Purchasing to apply the system to all our products.
To maintain our company services and quality assurance, IIB have obtained the Quality system through ISO 9001: 2000, and save the earth through Environmental program and establish the ISO 14001:2004 as guidance and Manual. In the other side to support IIB customer needs, IIB also strive to comply Rohs as well as obtained other customer requirement like Sony Green Partner, Panasonic Green Procurement and Epson Green Purchasing to apply the system to all our products.
Lowongan kerja di PT Interpak Industries Batam
Nama Pekerjaan | Kisaran Gaji | Tgl Dibuka |
IT MANAGER | Tidak disebutkan | 11 Januari 2023 - 11 Februari 2023 |
Ukuran Perusahaan
201 - 500 pekerja
Kategori Bidang Usaha
Lokasi PT Interpak Industries Batam
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