PT Buana Megah

Alamat PT Buana Megah
(lihat di peta)
Kelurahan Sawahan, Kecamatan Sawahan, Kota Surabaya, Provinsi Jawa Timur
Kode Pos
60251Tahun pendirian
2005Tentang Perusahaan
PT. Buana Megah is an environment friendly paper processing company that produces recycled paper by using waste paper raw materials.
PT. Buana Megah formerly is a family business with a factory area of 90.000 square meters, which was founded in 2007 and is a located at Raya Cangkringmalang Street KM.40 between Sidoarjo and Pasuruan, districts Beji - Pasuruan, East Java - Indonesia.
Along with the company development, PT. Buana Megah does some expansion to improve production capacity by building additional PM#3 units.
PT. Buana megah is capables in producing paper, starting from Brown Paper, White Paper up to Color Paper in accordance with the customer demand.
Ukuran Perusahaan
501 - 1000 pekerja
Kategori Bidang Usaha
Lokasi PT Buana Megah
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