PT Guataka Makmur Horecaba Indonesia

Alamat PT Guataka Makmur Horecaba Indonesia

Komplek Ruko Diamond Blok RD No. 34
Kelurahan Duri Kosambi, Kecamatan Cengkareng, Kabupaten Jakarta Barat, Provinsi DKI Jakarta

Kode Pos


Tahun pendirian



  • Guataka Makmur Horecaba Indonesia
  • Guataka Makmur Horecaba Indonesia
  • Guataka Makmur Horecaba Indonesia
  • Guataka Makmur Horecaba Indonesia
  • Guataka Makmur Horecaba Indonesia
  • Guataka Makmur Horecaba Indonesia
  • Guataka Makmur Horecaba Indonesia
  • Guataka Makmur Horecaba Indonesia

Tentang Perusahaan

Guataka is taken from Cuban word Guataca, which means hoe.
In Guataka we believe that we reap what we sow, that success is labour of hardwork, and working for small growing company such as us is the best way to elevate skills and knowledge and self actualization.
In Guataka we believe that Every One could be Number One.
We are passionate about bringing out the best in people.
We believe in working hand in hand like family that helps and support each other.
We believe in continuous learning; Learn, Unlearn, Re-learn.
We believe in continuous improvement, striving to be better than what we were yesterday.
We believe that the world is a race for survival of the fittest; only the best one wins.
That's Guataka Culture.
That's Guataka Values.

Gaji PT Guataka Makmur Horecaba Indonesia

Menjawab pertanyaan berapa gaji di PT Guataka Makmur Horecaba Indonesia berdasarkan data lowongan pekerjaan dari beberapa bulan terakhir, kisaran gaji rata-rata PT Guataka Makmur Horecaba Indonesia adalah sebesar Rp. 8.900.000

Lowongan kerja di PT Guataka Makmur Horecaba Indonesia

Nama Pekerjaan Kisaran Gaji Tgl Dibuka
Sales Horecaba Rp. 4.800.000 - Rp. 6.000.000 10 Maret 2023 -
04 April 2023
Sales Manager Rp. 10.500.000 - Rp. 14.300.000 10 Maret 2023 -
04 April 2023

Ukuran Perusahaan

1- 50 pekerja


Umum & Grosir
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