PT Bama Bumi Sentosa
Alamat PT Bama Bumi Sentosa
(lihat di peta)
Kota Surabaya, Provinsi Jawa Timur
Tahun pendirian
2001Tentang Perusahaan
Experienced more than 20 years From the Indonesian oil and gas, we dedicated a competency integrated upstream services, PT. Bama Bumi Sentosa. In the upstream oil and gas service BBS is an alternative option that is appropriate for the total solution with high quality service and economical price.
Supported by professional worker , the latest technology and the best service. This makes the BBS as a solution to the national and international oil and gas players. Experienced at home and more than 20 years, we will continue to provide true user experience to our partners and also continue to innovate in order to create jobs and maximize the efficiency of an outcome interest. We currently have the largest well testing unit 48 well testing, and this achievement is our contribution to the oil and gas industry in indonesia. Besides we have trusted and partnered local companies and multi-national companies. We believe with good performance and dedication in the service of oil and gas makes us the best company specially oil and gas services in Indonesia.
Ukuran Perusahaan
201 - 500 pekerja
Kategori Bidang Usaha
Lokasi PT Bama Bumi Sentosa
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