PT Perkebunan Dan Perdagangan Dewi Sri
Alamat PT Perkebunan Dan Perdagangan Dewi Sri
Kabupaten Blitar, Provinsi Jawa Timur
Tahun pendirian
1999Tentang Perusahaan
From one of the oldest and biggest coffee plantations in Java (over 850 hectares) on the slopes of Mountain Kawi, we herewith bring you the very finest Java Robusta coffee, handpicked and roasted in the traditional javanese way by the hundreds of women of the surrounding villages, as had been done through centuries
Kawisari coffee plantation located 800-1,000 meters altitude in areas Wingi, Blitar, Java East, was opened by the Dutch colonial government in 1870 when the Dutch withdrew regulations forced cultivation
The plantation produces mostly Robusts coffee with some fine Arabica coffee, as well as the famous and finest wild Kopi Luwak (chivet cat coffee). In addition we have clove plantation, rubber plantation and several woody plants as coffee shelters such as Mindi, Sengon, Lanang
Lowongan kerja di PT Perkebunan Dan Perdagangan Dewi Sri
Nama Pekerjaan | Kisaran Gaji | Tgl Dibuka |
PIMPINAN KEBUN | Tidak disebutkan | 06 Mei 2023 - 06 Juni 2023 |
MANDOR | Tidak disebutkan | 06 Mei 2023 - 06 Juni 2023 |
Kategori Bidang Usaha
- Pertanian Hortikultura Sayuran Daun
- Pertanian Hortikultura Sayuran Buah
- Pertanian Hortikultura Sayuran Umbi
- Pertanian Tanaman Untuk Bahan Minuman
- Perkebunan Cengkeh
- Perkebunan Tanaman Aromatik/Penyegar
- Perkebunan Karet Dan Tanaman Penghasil Getah Lainnya
- Industri Pengolahan Kopi
- Industri Minyak Atsiri
- Perdagangan Besar Hasil Kehutanan Dan Perburuan
- Perdagangan Besar Sayuran
- Perdagangan Besar Kopi, Teh Dan Kakao
- Perdagangan Besar Karet Dan Plastik Dalam Bentuk Dasar
- Perdagangan Eceran Sayuran
- Perdagangan Eceran Kopi, Gula Pasir dan Gula Merah
- Wisata Agro
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