PT Multi Ide Luhur

Alamat PT Multi Ide Luhur

JL.Ciputat Raya No. 64, (lihat di peta)
Kelurahan Pondok Pinang, Kecamatan Kebayoran Lama, Kabupaten Jakarta Selatan, Provinsi DKI Jakarta

Kode Pos


Tahun pendirian



  • Multi Ide Luhur
  • Multi Ide Luhur
  • Multi Ide Luhur

Tentang Perusahaan

Established in 1990 Focus Data Consulting provides innovative business solution to meet your organization's project and/or staffing requirements in the area of Finance, Accounting, Tax, Internal Audit and Software Implementation Services. The FDC divisions are staffed with qualified, dedicated and responsible professionals who deliver our products with great care, quality and integrity, each working in their own field of expertise.Our Subsidiary are PT Fokus Data Konsultan, PT Power Innovation Indonesia , PT Dynamic Advantage Partnerindo.
We are also affiliated with PT Sekarguna Medika, a company who is a medical equipment distributor with nationwide coverage. The company established in 1991, and currently is a single representative of 18 international leading brands of medical equipment. their product varied from home care unit to hospital or institution medical equipment.
Trust us to become your organization's ‘First Choice' we will exceed your expectation in finding custom-made business solution for any challenges in the stipulated services areas. Companies that have utilized our professional services in the pas can be found across various industries.
Generally our client showed an increase in company scale and market share.

Lowongan kerja di PT Multi Ide Luhur

Nama Pekerjaan Kisaran Gaji Tgl Dibuka
Finance Accounting Staff Tidak disebutkan 06 Januari 2023 -
05 Februari 2023

Ukuran Perusahaan

51 - 200 pekerja


Konsultasi (Bisnis & Manajemen)

Lokasi PT Multi Ide Luhur

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