PT Pulau Kelapa Kopi

Alamat PT Pulau Kelapa Kopi

Komplek Ruko Ketapang Indah Blok B2 nomor 26, Jalan K.H. Zainul Arifin
Kelurahan Krukut, Kecamatan Tamansari, Kabupaten Jakarta Barat, Provinsi DKI Jakarta

Kode Pos


Tahun pendirian


Tentang Perusahaan

Company Brand Profile :

Coconut Island is a Premium T-Shirt brand that was founded in 2008, one of the legendary Warna Mardhika Group brands, namely Hammer & Nail clothing Brand, which already has hundreds of outlets in well-known malls throughout Indonesia.

To complement the needs & lifestyle of the people who continue to grow and are aware of the importance of health, Coconut Island launched Coconut Island Drinks.

Coconut Island Drinks is a practical premium quality Ready to Drink drink with a wide variety of variants, has a unique, refreshing taste combination and is rich in Vitamin C.

Ukuran Perusahaan

1001 - 2000 pekerja


Produk Konsumen/Barang konsumen yang bergerak cepat
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