PT Dinar Makmur Karawang

Alamat PT Dinar Makmur Karawang

Jalan Pinayungan Raya nomor 90, Dusun Sukajaya
Kelurahan Pinayungan, Kecamatan Teluk Jambe Timur, Kabupaten Karawang, Provinsi Jawa Barat

Tahun pendirian


Tentang Perusahaan



EPP originally designed for use int the automotive industry. It is verstile closed-cell bead foam that provides a unique range of properties, including outsanding energy absorption, multiple impact resistance, thermal insulation, flexibility, water and chemical resistance, and exeptionally high strength. In 2011, we produced the first batch of Box Lug.maskot-smlEXPANDED POLYSTYRENE (EPS)
EPS is strong, lightweight and could be cut into an unlimited variety os shapes. Thus EPS could be used in many applications, such as packaging, helmet, construction, car bumpers and even a coffe cup.BUBBLE WRAP
Our quality bubble wrap rolls retain air for longer to ensure effective long term cushioning performance from packaging your product right through to final delivery.
It offers a popular and economical solution for wrapping and surface protection.PAPER PULP MOLDED
Made from waste paper, Pulp Molded packaging is an environment friendly material to pack light products, providing and maintaining good performance in protection and low cost.

To become the finest integrated protection packaging company in Indonesia

We are committed to build a culture of excellence, reflected in our mission:
  • Bring a portfolio of quality package solutions that anticipates and satisfies the client's needs
  • Consistently produce and deliver a quality packaging with reasonable price
  • Continuously improve our people, our processes and our technology
  • Nurture and constantly improve stakeholder's value with a long-term perspective

Ukuran Perusahaan

2001 - 5000 pekerja


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