PT Medika Prakarsa Ohih
Alamat PT Medika Prakarsa Ohih
Kelurahan Duren Sawit, Kecamatan Duren Sawit, Kabupaten Jakarta Timur, Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Kode Pos
13440Tahun pendirian
2021Tentang Perusahaan
PT MEDIKA PRAKARSA OHIH was established on 04 February 2013 in Jakarta by experienced medical professional on health and workforce safety, occupation specialize, health and safety training, medical ovacuation, aviation medical and aquatic medical and last but not least clinic laboratory management.
PT MEDIKA PRAKARSA OHIH aims to provide customer in fulfilling and providing comprehensive medical service including in remote location in workforce health examination service, occupational safety and health service and medical surveillance.
Ukuran Perusahaan
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