PT Charlie Sierra Sierra Indonesia

Alamat PT Charlie Sierra Sierra Indonesia

Revenue Tower Lantai 25, SCBD, Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav.52-53,
Kelurahan Senayan, Kecamatan Kebayoran Baru, Kabupaten Jakarta Selatan, Provinsi DKI Jakarta

Kode Pos


Tentang Perusahaan

Everplate Kitchens is a cloud kitchen platform that improves the way a conventional restaurant operates.We provide quality kitchen infrastructure that is built for the delivery market. Not only do we manage the facility, but we also have a team dedicated to supporting the growth of each Food & Beverage operator.

Ukuran Perusahaan

1- 50 pekerja


Makanan & Minuman/Katering/Restoran
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