PT Murni Cahaya Pratama

Alamat PT Murni Cahaya Pratama

JL. RC. VETERAN NO.162 (lihat di peta)
Kelurahan Bintaro, Kecamatan Pesanggrahan, Kabupaten Jakarta Selatan, Provinsi DKI Jakarta

Kode Pos


Tahun pendirian



  • Murni Cahaya Pratama
  • Murni Cahaya Pratama

Tentang Perusahaan

PT. Murni Cahaya Pratama, Cargloss born as a result of our hardwork for more than thirty years. We started as a home industry producing thinner, established 1980. Five years later, than 20 December 1985, Mr. Harry Suherman expand the business line by establishing paint manufacturing company so called PT. Murni Cahaya Pratama, which is located in kebun kopi, Citereup, Bogor, West Java.
Ever since, we started to introduce Cargloss trademark. Through various innovation, Cargloss has develop product variants in paint industry line which have made Cargloss as reliable trademark that serve various market demands in automotive, electronics and furniture industries.
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Ukuran Perusahaan

201 - 500 pekerja


Automobil/Mesin Tambahan Automotif/Kendaraan

Kategori Bidang Usaha

Lokasi PT Murni Cahaya Pratama

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