PT Translog Bumi Indonesia
Alamat PT Translog Bumi Indonesia
Kelurahan Cipayung, Kecamatan Cipayung, Kota Administrasi Jakarta Timur, Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Tentang Perusahaan
PT. Translog Bumi Indonesia (TBI) is a company engaged in forwarder & logistics services and headquartered in Jakarta. TBI Forwarder & Logistics provides import and export expedition services complete with sea freight, air freight and trucking for customers throughout Indonesia and the world. TBI also offers and provides comprehensive delivery service for all existing customers in Indonesia (domestic) and worldwide (international) such as transportation services for goods / households, household, truck and packaging. Customized to customer needs, our service is designed to meet the needs of every customer. We also have a network of agents or partners around the world.
Lowongan kerja di PT Translog Bumi Indonesia
Nama Pekerjaan | Kisaran Gaji | Tgl Dibuka |
SALES FREIGHT FORWARDING | Tidak disebutkan | 13 Januari 2023 - 13 Februari 2023 |
SALES FREIGHT FORWARDING | Tidak disebutkan | 11 Mei 2023 - 01 Juni 2023 |
Ukuran Perusahaan
1- 50 pekerja
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