PT Grace Surya Abadi

Alamat PT Grace Surya Abadi

Kelurahan Kelapa Gading Barat, Kecamatan Kelapa Gading, Kabupaten Jakarta Utara, Provinsi DKI Jakarta

Kode Pos


Tentang Perusahaan

Bakery market in Indonesia is blooming, bakeware should be an important role for making high quality bread and cake. But so far, in Indonesia, bakeware is a secondary role in distributors who sell bakery equipment. Because the value of bakery equipment is much higher than bakeware in a bakery shop or factory, the distributors don't pay attentions to serve customers for bakeware by professional ways.

PT. Grace Surya Abadi as a small and start up company, we have a leader who has been in bakeware market for 5 years and one chef with 30 years experience. We know what the bakery chefs or the bosses need very well. Good quality, long life with competitive price is the key. Beyond this, our chef also help our customers to improve bread/cake quality and save cost. Meanwhile, we share the trend of bakery in Taiwan and Korea with our customers. This is our value added service.

Our mission is to promote Indonesian bakery market with excellent bread and cake.


Umum & Grosir

Kategori Bidang Usaha

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