PT Wahana Rizky Gumilang
Alamat PT Wahana Rizky Gumilang
(lihat di peta)
Kota Surabaya, Provinsi Jawa Timur
Tahun pendirian
2011Tentang Perusahaan
Established since 1994 in Surabaya our founder Mr. Joko Wahyudi and his wife Mrs. Nana Fitrayanti build the company together. Helped by 5 employees including our founder and co-founder start the company journey in small rent office in Jl. Gubeng Jaya I, Surabaya.
With our founder experiences and willingness to help other lives push him hard to build Wahana Gumilang. As the company's name is taken from both founders name “Wahyudi†and “Nana†shortened as “Wahana†which means is “A place†and their first son that explains for “Gumilang†which means is “Shiningâ€. Since 2012 due to adjusting for government regulation they change the company's name to PT. Wahana Rizky Gumilang until today, as the name is a form of prayer of a company that shines to provide the sustenance of many people.
In 1998 monetary crisis, company is close to the bankrupt. With perfect strategy and all sacrifices change the situation to the favorable circumstances and growing rapidly.
In 2000 – 2004 adjusting to the health market condition formed subsidiary company as Multi Sentra Medika and Pratamindo Medika to fulfill retail market and specific laboratory equipment.
Wahana gumilang is rapidly growing, as the founder vision to have a social impact to the employees and customer formed legal subsidiaries company as PT. Pratamindo Mitra Rizky, CV. Wahana Gumilang, CV. Wahana Gumilang and CV. Multi Sentra Medika to expanding market network to the public sector, government supply, red-cross department, polyclinics equipment and many other.
Nowadays, wahana gumilang group has less more than 100 employees spread in whole company and subsidiaries. Our group now works in 13 cities across DKI Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, DI Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Malang, Kediri, Jember, Madiun, Bali, Lombok, and Kupang.
We serve total 10.000 customers including hospital sector, polyclinic, private doctor, red-cross department, and many other segments.
Ukuran Perusahaan
201 - 500 pekerja
Lokasi PT Wahana Rizky Gumilang
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