PT Iforte Solusi Infotek
Alamat PT Iforte Solusi Infotek
Menara BCA Lantai 41 Suite 4103, Grand Indonesia Shopping Town, Jalan MH. Thamrin nomor 1
(lihat di peta)
Kelurahan Menteng, Kecamatan Menteng, Kabupaten Jakarta Pusat, Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Tahun pendirian
2004Tentang Perusahaan
In brief, iFORTE is a data-communication company with a license from Ministry of Communication and Information to provide broadband connection and internet services using fiber-opticcable, broadband wireless access,VSAT technology, and the deployment of Micro BTS.
For Broadband Internet connection,we have expanded fiber-opticcable network that we have primarily deployed in Jakarta Metropolitan. Our fiber-optic backbone in Jakarta is located along the whole busway corridors which pass along the major and busiest streets in Jakarta. From Jakarta onward, we continue expanding our fiber-optic networks to other major cities across Indonesia. For last mile solution, as an alternative to fiber optic cable, we might use Broadband Wireless Access in order to provide services to our customers quickly and most cost-effectively.
iFORTE's VSAT networks have been deployed all over Indonesia, especially in the remote areas where terrestrial services are not readily available. In late 2010, we have upgraded our VSAT equipments to the latest state-of-the-art technology in order to enable us to provide the highest quality solution with the most optimum bandwidth usages. The technology can be used not only for Data and Voice communication but also for Video-Conference.
In year 2010 also, Micro-BTS was added to the portfolio business of iForte. Currently, many sites have been built in within Jakarta metropolitan area.
iForte started in year 2002 as a company which offered VSAT services in addition to provide customs programming to a large diverse group of companies. Then, in year 2007, iForte started building Jakarta metropolitan broadband network. In year 2010, Micro-BTS was added to be the main business of iForte.
Product & Services
iFORTE intends to provide Integrated Network Solution to our customers. Our Telecommunication business consist of three main lines of services, namely:
- Broadband Internet Connection, with a brand name of M-WIFO. M-WIFO stands for Metropolitan Wireless and Fiber OpticNetwork—which describes our idea to provide broadband internet connection using fiber-optic and broadband wireless technology
- VSAT Communication, with a brand name I-VSAT. iFORTE VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) offers a multi service platform that can be suited for data, telephony, and multimedia communications. VSATs are mostly set up in remote areas and placeswith less availability of broadband providers
- Micro BTS - Micro BTS is a BTS, which a smaller version of Macro BTS. Micro BTS is to enhance the coverage and quality of services from Telecommunication Providers (Telcos) whereas they will be deployed in significant numbers.
iFORTE is supported by very strong shareholders and investorswho have excellent financial strengths and respectable business reputation in Indonesia and in the world community.
Ukuran Perusahaan
201 - 500 pekerja
Lokasi PT Iforte Solusi Infotek
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