PT Indovaris Abadi Grup

Alamat PT Indovaris Abadi Grup

Gedung Multivision Tower Lantai 25, Jalan Kuningan Mulia Lot 9B
Kelurahan Guntur, Kecamatan Setiabudi, Kabupaten Jakarta Selatan, Provinsi DKI Jakarta

Kode Pos


Tahun pendirian



  • Indovaris Abadi Grup
  • Indovaris Abadi Grup
  • Indovaris Abadi Grup

Tentang Perusahaan

The Best Tea (茶, Cha) Contributed (貢, Gong) to Emperor
The best tea contributed to the king from all possessions in the ancient time.
‘Gong cha' means we take customers as ‘Emperor', and only provide them the best service and products.
Establishing in 1997, ‘Gong cha' global platform with approximately 1,500 stores in over 20 territories worldwide. Gong cha has been enjoying its reputation in the market, as No.1 tea franchise brand with the inspired tea product.
Gong cha selects the premium
tea leaves and other high-quality ingredients.
Golden Rules
Experienced Tea Master carefully infuse the tea in different temperatures and golden ratios.
Instead of being locked into stereotypes, we keep trying to find new ingredients to create endless new flavors.
Gong Cha Milestones
Foundation (1997 - 2005)
Successful launch of independent bubble tea brand that later became Gong cha
** Founders of Gong cha launched
an independent bubble tea brand in 1997
** Founders of Gong cha grew the independent bubble tea brand from a single store to 75 stores in Taiwan, which became the foundation of Gong cha
Became an Asian Regional Operator (2006 - 2011)
Successful roll-out of stores in Taiwan and other parts of Asia
** Founded RTT in Taiwan in 2006
** Expended in Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Macau, Malaysia, Philippines
Global Expansion (2012 – )
Growth momentum in East Asia, North America and Oceania
** Korea's first store opened in Hong-Ik Univ. in April 2012.
** Expended In Australia,
Thailand, California, Brunei, New York, Ontario Canada, Vietnam, New Zealand,
Myanmar, Japan, Alberta Canada,
British Columbia Canada, Princess Cruises
**Expand to England, UK in 2018

Ukuran Perusahaan

201 - 500 pekerja


Makanan & Minuman/Katering/Restoran
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