PT Kartika Macons

Alamat PT Kartika Macons
(lihat di peta)
Kelurahan Mangga Dua Selatan, Kecamatan Sawah Besar, Kabupaten Jakarta Pusat, Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Kode Pos
10730Tahun pendirian
1993Tentang Perusahaan
PT. Kartikamacons is a well-established heavy equipment rental and sales company with projects spanning across the whole of Indonesia. We are a trusted and reliable partner for your heavy equipment requirements. Boasting a wide selection of equipments and services, we are a key supplier and distributor for many leading brands in the construction industry.
On top of that, we are a well-known supplier for many of Indonesia's major construction projects.Ranging from port to mall projects, our consistent involvement with the biggest contractors of Indonesia is a testament to our ability to provide and deliver quality products and services. Being a leading partner with international brands, we provide sale and rental services at competitive prices. We are also known in the industry for our after-sales service due to our team of experienced and efficient technicians who can tackle any difficulties on site with haste effectively.
On top of that, we are a well-known supplier for many of Indonesia's major construction projects.Ranging from port to mall projects, our consistent involvement with the biggest contractors of Indonesia is a testament to our ability to provide and deliver quality products and services. Being a leading partner with international brands, we provide sale and rental services at competitive prices. We are also known in the industry for our after-sales service due to our team of experienced and efficient technicians who can tackle any difficulties on site with haste effectively.
PT. Kartikamacons adalah perusahaan penyewaan dan penjualan alat berat yang mapan dengan proyek yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Kami adalah partner terpercaya dan terpercaya untuk kebutuhan alat berat Anda. Menawarkan berbagai pilihan peralatan dan layanan, kami adalah pemasok dan distributor utama untuk banyak merek terkemuka di industri konstruksi.
Selain itu, kami adalah pemasok terkenal untuk banyak proyek konstruksi besar di Indonesia. Mulai dari proyek pelabuhan hingga mal, keterlibatan kami yang konsisten dengan kontraktor terbesar di Indonesia adalah bukti kemampuan kami untuk menyediakan dan memberikan produk dan layanan berkualitas . Menjadi mitra terkemuka dengan merek internasional, kami menyediakan layanan jual dan sewa dengan harga bersaing. Kami juga dikenal di industri untuk layanan purna jual kami karena tim teknisi kami yang berpengalaman dan efisien yang dapat mengatasi masalah apa pun di lokasi dengan cepat secara efektif.
Ukuran Perusahaan
51 - 200 pekerja
Lokasi PT Kartika Macons
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