PT Qualitas Sertifikasi Indonesia

Alamat PT Qualitas Sertifikasi Indonesia

Gedung The CEO, Lantai 12, Jl. TB. Simatupang No. 18C
Kelurahan Cilandak Barat, Kecamatan Cilandak, Kabupaten Jakarta Selatan, Provinsi DKI Jakarta

Kode Pos


Tahun pendirian


Tentang Perusahaan

QSI was established on January 27, 2020 in Jakarta, Indonesia. Our company is run by young and innovative individuals who have pocketed relevant experience for years. They are experienced in national and international regulations, especially in Forestry, Renewable Energy, Textile, Agriculture, and Management Systems.

Sticking to the principle of the company (Young, Proper Solution, Adaptive, Honest, Professional, Customer Needs), we have a goal to provide accommodative service and proper solution for certification activity in accordance with requirements of our clients. The service includes complying to national, international, and voluntary standards.

Ukuran Perusahaan

1- 50 pekerja


Agrikultural/Perkebunan/Peternakan Unggas/Perikanan
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