PT Aero Systems Indonesia
Alamat PT Aero Systems Indonesia
(lihat di peta)
Kelurahan GeloraKabupaten Jakarta Pusat, Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Tahun pendirian
2005Tentang Perusahaan
PT Aero Systems Indonesia (ASYST), formerly known as PT Lufthansa Systems Indonesia, was established in 2005. At the beginning, PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) owned 51% shares in this company, while the remaining 49% was owned by Lufthansa Systems AG (LSY). On January 29, 2009 there was a transfer of share ownership from LSY to PT Aero Wisata.
ASYST is an Information Technology provider that focuses on transportation and travel industry. We have passion in assisting transportation and travel companies especially airlines in order to enhance their quality for their passangers.
ASYST Products and Services covers Airline, Transportation and Travel Solutions, Infrastructure Hosting and Managed Services, System Integration and Software Development and also Business Consultancy. ASYST service covers within Indonesia region as well as all over the world.
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Lokasi PT Aero Systems Indonesia
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