PT Sintesis Selaras Sinergi
Alamat PT Sintesis Selaras Sinergi
Kelurahan Dukuh Menanggal, Kecamatan Gayungan, Kota Surabaya, Provinsi Jawa Timur
Tahun pendirian
2016Tentang Perusahaan
PT Sintesis Selaras Sinergi is a national company engaged in the construction services industry, as well as participating in various types of buildings and infrastructure.
PT Sintesis Selaras Sinergi was established in October 2016 and has successfully worked on various types of projects both factory buildings, educational buildings, commercial buildings and infrastructure
Become a trusted partner that being qualified in the field of construction services
- Prioritize client satisfaction as our commitment
- Establish work partners as part of a work team that is in harmony and synergy
- Having professional human resources that prioritize quality and work safety
Kategori Bidang Usaha
- Konstruksi Gedung Perkantoran
- Konstruksi Gedung Industri
- Konstruksi Gedung Perbelanjaan
- Konstruksi Gedung Kesehatan
- Konstruksi Gedung Pendidikan
- Konstruksi Gedung Tempat Hiburan dan Olahraga
- Konstruksi Gedung Lainnya
- Konstruksi Terowongan
- Konstruksi Bangunan Prasarana Sumber Daya Air
- Konstruksi Bangunan Sipil Lainnya Ytdl
- Pemasangan Kerangka Baja
- Real Estat Yang Dimiliki Sendiri Atau Disewa
- Reparasi Komputer dan Peralatan Sejenisnya
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