PT Konsultan Indonesia Bersama

Alamat PT Konsultan Indonesia Bersama

Kabupaten Jakarta Utara, Provinsi DKI Jakarta

Tahun pendirian



  • Konsultan Indonesia Bersama
  • Konsultan Indonesia Bersama
  • Konsultan Indonesia Bersama

Tentang Perusahaan

KIB Consulting, a comprehensive business consulting firm that channels decades of combined professional expertise of its people into five key areas including Accounting, Taxation, Merger and Acquisition, Business Consulting and Financial Consulting.

By working closely with our clients, we examine emerging trends and challenges in the industry then help them mitigate the risks. Furthermore, in order to maximize clients' potential, exposure and growth, we assist our clients to identify as well as address their complex potential issues and existing matters at hand by keeping their long-term interests in mind.

We have expertise in providing optimum financial and business solutions for companies in all sizes across different industries. For companies that are in certain sectors, such as trading and coal mining, which constantly face regulatory pressures, our experienced professionals who are specialized in those sectors will help them improve their performance and significantly increase their efficiency.

Lowongan kerja di PT Konsultan Indonesia Bersama

Nama Pekerjaan Kisaran Gaji Tgl Dibuka
Business & Tax Consultant Tidak disebutkan 18 Mei 2023 -
08 Juni 2023
Junior Tax Consultant Tidak disebutkan 09 November 2023 -
10 Desember 2023

Ukuran Perusahaan

1- 50 pekerja


Akunting / Audit / Layanan Pajak

Lokasi PT Konsultan Indonesia Bersama

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