PT Esensi Solusi Buana

Alamat PT Esensi Solusi Buana

Kelurahan Pakulonan Barat, Kecamatan Kelapa Dua, Kabupaten Tangerang, Provinsi Banten

Kode Pos


Tahun pendirian


Tentang Perusahaan

Smart Restaurant Technology for F&B Business

ESB presents the restaurant technology that makes it easy for you in managing your F&B business. By using the software that we have built, you can focus in more essential things in restaurant business. Technology that's developed by ESB is the integrated software technology specialised for food and beverage business operation, applicable for restaurants, cloud kitchen, food stall, and hotels. With smart restaurant technology, F&B business profit will increase through cost efficiency, while keep providing convenience to restaurant's customers.

Best Restaurant Software With The Most Complete Features

ESB is commited to provide the maximum services to F&B business people. We have the best restaurant software that has the best restaurant technology features. ESB has been keeping its Software enhanced and has kept on innovating to provide features needed by restaurants. ESB software is easy to use, that managing restaurant with It becomes easier.

Restaurant Technology Integration For a More Effective Business Management

ESB enables ease of restaurant management; a solution for simplicity, in one restaurant technology integration that's provided to manage your F&B business. This integration enables easiness for owner and the staff member to be able to manage restaurant operation using single software. The most complete integrated technology ecosystem, which will provide solution to F&B business owners. ESB will be the right option for your F&B business.

Gaji PT Esensi Solusi Buana

Menjawab pertanyaan berapa gaji di PT Esensi Solusi Buana berdasarkan data lowongan pekerjaan dari beberapa bulan terakhir, kisaran gaji rata-rata PT Esensi Solusi Buana adalah sebesar Rp. 6.933.333

Lowongan kerja di PT Esensi Solusi Buana

Nama Pekerjaan Kisaran Gaji Tgl Dibuka
Software Developer Rp. 6.000.000 - Rp. 11.000.000 11 Januari 2023 -
10 Februari 2023
Product Implementor Rp. 4.500.000 - Rp. 6.000.000 02 Januari 2023 -
22 Januari 2023
Marketing Executive (Regional) Rp. 4.500.000 - Rp. 6.000.000 23 Desember 2022 -
22 Januari 2023
IT Infrastructure Rp. 6.000.000 - Rp. 8.500.000 18 Januari 2023 -
17 Februari 2023
Product Partnership Supervisor Rp. 10.000.000 - Rp. 15.000.000 08 Maret 2023 -
22 Maret 2023
Software Developer Rp. 6.000.000 - Rp. 11.000.000 23 Maret 2023 -
12 April 2023
Customer Care Rp. 4.500.000 - Rp. 5.500.000 20 Maret 2023 -
19 April 2023
Telemarketing (Outbound) Rp. 4.500.000 - Rp. 5.500.000 14 April 2023 -
14 Mei 2023
Field Operation Staff Rp. 4.800.000 - Rp. 5.500.000 15 Mei 2023 -
14 Juni 2023

Ukuran Perusahaan

201 - 500 pekerja


Komputer/Teknik Informatika (Perangkat Lunak)

Lokasi PT Esensi Solusi Buana

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