PT Segara Cahaya Mandiri
Alamat PT Segara Cahaya Mandiri
Kota tangerang
Kelurahan Kota Tangerang Selatan, Kecamatan Kota Tangerang, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Provinsi Banten
Tahun pendirian
2017Tentang Perusahaan
PT. SEGARA CAHAYA MANDIRI (SCM-Indonesia) is an Indonesia National Company, which has been for years as a leading company under water services in Southeast Asia region.
As a professional national diving company, SCM-Indonesia has out standing share in participating in the development of Offshore Industry Program Supported by executive and expert personnel having qualification and experiences for 5 to 10 years and exclusively supported by National and International Partners as well.
In line with the vision and mission, SCM-Indonesia always be trying to be a company which always develops quality of professional services in under water technique business in order to take care of the CUSTOMER TRUST.
SCM-Indonesia was established in 2009, services are reserved to fulfill the requirement of offshore industry, especially for Oil and Gas Industry, Construction as Offshore Structure, submarine pipeline and other facility in offshore and near shore, which is under water, on the sea bed or which is buried in the sea bed.
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