PT Pulau Cempedak

Alamat PT Pulau Cempedak

Kabupaten Bintan, Provinsi Kepulauan Riau

Tahun pendirian


Tentang Perusahaan

8km off the east coast of Bintan, Cempedak is an exclusive 17 hectare private island.  The island is being developed by the same owners as the very successful Nikoi Island. The island is due to open in March 2017 and will cater for up to to 40 guests. The style of accommodation reflects both traditional Indonesian architecture and contemporary form using bamboo and alang alang. Cempedak will focus on delivering relaxed and personalized service for guests, many of whom are looking for a chance to rest and unwind

Lowongan kerja di PT Pulau Cempedak

Nama Pekerjaan Kisaran Gaji Tgl Dibuka
ASSISTANT RESERVATION MANAGER Tidak disebutkan 19 Januari 2023 -
19 Februari 2023

Ukuran Perusahaan

51 - 200 pekerja



Kategori Bidang Usaha

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