PT Narumi Manufacturing Indonesia
Alamat PT Narumi Manufacturing Indonesia
Kelurahan Cibatu, Kecamatan Cikarang Selatan, Kabupaten Bekasi, Provinsi Jawa Barat
Kode Pos
17530Tentang Perusahaan
For more than 70 years since the company's foundation in March 1947, its main contribution to the development of the manufacturing industry in Japan has been via the automotive industry. Japan's automotive industry is on the cusp of what is said to be a once-in-a-century period of upheaval. To respond to and win out over such sweeping changes, we intend to proactively take up challenges and reforms with courage.As an example, the spread of electric cars, autonomous cars, car sharing, and other trends seems likely to also bring about changes in components that automobiles require. While keeping our sights fixed on such cars of the future, we are addressing the challenges that new parts represent. Accordingly, to accommodate the globalization of the automotive industry, as we expand operations at the production base in Thailand that is our subsidiary, we are also expand in Indonesia.To press ahead with such endeavors, organizational reforms also become an important topic. One matter to be addressed is the creation of an open organization that allows lateral collaboration instead of a vertically organized setup that has barriers between different areas.By advancing challenges and reforms on various fronts, we want to make Narumi Goukin Manufacturing ever more worthy of your confidence and trust.
Lowongan kerja di PT Narumi Manufacturing Indonesia
Nama Pekerjaan | Kisaran Gaji | Tgl Dibuka |
Production Control Staff | Tidak disebutkan | 10 November 2023 - 11 Desember 2023 |
Ukuran Perusahaan
51 - 200 pekerja
Kategori Bidang Usaha
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